Turtle Diagrams – A Misconception

There is certainly a lot of material available on Turtle Diagrams. When reading through some recently, I found myself thinking that there are still many consultants and auditors that seem to miss the true objective and functional uses of the Turtle Diagram. The Turtle Diagram was first introduced by Philip Crosby who is well known for his work Quality is…

A Little About Our Process Audit Toolkit

Our free Process Audit Toolkit is designed to help internal auditors plan, document and report an audit in a format consistent with ISO requirements and do it effectively without a great deal of paperwork. I’ve taught internal auditors for over twenty years and one thing that I’ve noticed is that almost everyone has challenges with planning audits. When the plan…

Five Strategies to Influence Our Thinking

Every day in many ways people try to influence our thinking. Here are five brief examples of how people try to get us to comply with their wishes through the arguments that they make. Critical thought about these statements can help avoid poor decisions. This is an Appeal to Indirect Consequences. There is a big jump between not getting certified…